
Monday, November 28, 2011

The why of this blog.


My name is Matías Guerrero. I created this blog to get a grade in the english subject, therefore the creation of this blog it has a school order and it isn't to tell my lived experiences or something like that, however, in this entry I'll write about my general information, likes and dislikes, music, pets etc.

I'm 16 years, I'm chilean and I'm in 11th Grade. My favorite sport is playing soccer and I don't like sleep because I think that is wasted time because I could other things while I'm sleeping. I like playing play station, using the computer and going to parties with my friends. I don't like studying math, but for other hand I like studying history and other languages.

I've had pets but I don't like them, despite this I've had quails and a bird but the quails escaped flying when I hit them while I was playing with my soccer ball and the bird was killed by a cat.

I don't have a favorite kind of music, because I listen to every type of music, I only care if the song sounds good or not, however the most that I listen is reggaeton, rap, rock, pop and bachata. Among the artists that I like I can name: J Alvarez, Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Black eyed Peas, Queen, etc.

One of my dreams is travel abroad to countries like United States, England and Brazil because I like learning about others cultures and if I could, I'd like live in one of those countries, however, I think that I'll travel abroad when I finished my university career.

On vacations my preferred place to going is the beach because, I like swimming in the sea and stay laying down on the sand. Also, is one the best places to meet people because the environment gives something special.